5 Female Fitness Stars That Are a Must Follow In the Social Media Game

 In Press



Well if we are going to do an article on the best women in the fitness game, you have to start with the queen, Jayel Lewis.

She’s definitely one of the best female fitness stars in the social media game.

I could list all of her accomplishments but this would become a novel instead of an article!

New Balance fitness expert, Best of Philly Fitness Instagrammer and professional badass are just a few titles on her list.

Jayel not only empowers the people she works with but she befriends every single person who crosses her path.

Jayel is the type of soul who everyone should be following because she drives positive energy into the world which as we all know is VERY rare nowadays!

Also, her Instagram story is FULL of her puppy Leo (who is just the best puppy ever!)

Check her out by searching her tag above or by searching the hashtag: #jl_fitness

See original article here

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